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Improved powering concept for telecommunications

When AC mains power fails, gensets are needed to keep the system operating. Traditionally, all AC devices are connected directly to the AC utility. This means a huge amount of power is needed to start up an entire power range – in fact, the genset needs to be 2–3 times oversized to be able to push through the initial stages.
Size does matter – 30% fuel saving with optimized genset size
“Size costs. It’s simple as that,” says Hans-Peter Glauser, Global Product Manager. “A larger genset means a larger investment. On top of that come the operating expenses. With fuel prices skyrocketing we are all forced to look at ways to decrease fuel consumption”.
Lower fuel consumption also leads to fewer on-site fuelling trips. The cumulative savings are significant.
PSC3 is an intelligent power system control concept enabling a scheduled start-up process. This means the genset can be reduced to half its size, which in turn means that the genset operates at a far better fuel-to-electricity conversion rate.
“PSC3 manages the startup of the rectifiers. The procedure is safe and foolproof,” Glauser explains. “The key factor is optimising the genset size and operating point, which can save up to 30% of fuel during genset operation.”
Safety first
In addition to the scheduled startup process, PSC3 comes with a comprehensive set of features for monitoring the devices on site. It can check the genset operating status, warning the user when fuel or oil levels drop, or if the temperature rises.
“PSC3 can also supervise the site by detecting water, flooding and smoke,” Glauser says. “Lightning protection monitoring and humidity detection are among the many other great features that keep the power system protected, thus maximising reliability in the field.”
A web server is integrated with configuration and monitoring possibilities. Remote monitoring works with modem, LAN or SNMP, and wireless infrastructure is supported as well as fixed-line communication and DSL.
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