UPS Amplon Family 1kVA or higher
Single-Phase UPS
Delta UPS Amplon Family
UPS Ultron Family 10kVA or higher
Three-Phase On-Line UPS
Delta UPS Ultron Family
UPS Modulon Family 20kVA or higher
Modular UPS
Delta UPS Modulon Family
UPS Agilon Family Under 1.5kVA or higher
Single-Phase UPS
Delta UPS Agilon Family

SNMP Card - Connectivity & Support Solutions

Functions & Features

SNMP: SNMPv1 protocol support; accepts NMS monitoring aswell as actively sends Trap packets to target hosts.
HTTP: Monitor and set up through network browser with builtinweb server.
Others: Telnet, TFTP, FTP, BOOTP, SMTP, SNTP and WOL.
MIB: Supports RFC1628 and custom defined UPSv4 MIB.
Regular power on and off: Can set up UPS power on and off time.
Regular testing: Battery discharge test to ensure the battery is in goodcondition.
Smart power off: Can send power off signal to connected host activelyif the host computer has the InsightPower Client orSNMP power off proxy installed.
Sensor: Optional environment sensor can integrate ambienttemperature and humidity for total cabinet monitoring.
Event log: Keep date, time, and event sequence in event log file.
History records: Keep date, time, and UPS parameter data. Can beexported into XLS file for further processing.
Reaction to events
UPS shutdown: Define delay time for UPS power off to avoid deepdischarge.
Email: Send email notification to predefined recipients in caseof power event.

Product available regions :

EMEA North America Latin America SEA & OCEA India China Taiwan South Korea Japan
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