Uninterrupted power supply brought significant savings for the leading non-woven fabrics manufacturing company in India

Delta provided the leading non-woven fabrics manufacturing company in India with an online UPS system that secures clean and uninterrupted power free of surges, brownouts, fluctuations and other power problems. The client manufactures non-woven fabrics in a high-temperature, high-pressure environment, in which electricity interruptions cause economic and material losses.

Delta’s NT series with 400 kVA solved all of our client’s power problems:

  • Online UPS maintenance and regular battery maintenance are possible when all loads are operating
  • Power supply transfer from mains to diesel generator causes no interruptions in production
  • Low-voltage bus bar and feeder circuits are equipped with isolators and stabilizers
  • UPS provides clean and stable voltage, reducing the risk of failure in electronic equipment

“Delta has a proven track record for low downtime and easy maintainability,” says the Managing Director of the leading non-woven fabrics manufacturing company in India. “We have not only achieved direct and indirect cost savings, but the uninterrupted process has also improved product quality,” he continues.

“Another decisive factor was that the Delta UPS was quickly implemented and deployed at our factory. Operating close to us, Delta offered a Service Level Agreement, which ensures the most rapid service and availability of round-the-clock support,” he concludes.

Delta’s NT series UPS has proven to protect our client’s equipment from surges and spikes, previously a major cause of equipment failure. The uninterrupted process has brought remarkable material savings and consequently also environmental benefits. Moreover, process efficiency and equipment utilization rates have improved.

After the installation of the NT series 400 kVA UPS, our client has chosen Delta’s NT series 260 kVA UPS for their Haridwar site in Uttarakhand.

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