• Delta news and event
  • 2012.08.01

    Delta MCIS Taiwan hosted Taiwan Data Center Technical Forum - with InfraSuite Data Center Infrastructure Solutions center staged.

    With the rise of internet services in recent years, the demand for datacenters has grown rapidly. Building a data center hardware and software environment that ensures continuous stable operations and reduces energy consumption has become an urgent priority. In order to assist enterprises in urgent need and to divulge how Delta InfraSuite Data Center Infrastructure Solutions can solve their pressing needs, Delta MCIS Taiwan organized a series of “Delta Data Center Technical Forum” during July at various major cities in Taiwan.

    The forum opened with Delta’s Senior Directors of Cloud Technology Business Unit Ben Jay and Corp IT James Ju to shared with the participants on latest trend in Data Center and particularly the success case of Delta completing the new generation data center in Taipei. Then followed by Global Product Manager of Delta MCIS Peter Lin and Software Development Manager Jesse Zhuo to walk the participants through the complete data center solution offering from MCIS - InfraSuite Data Center Infrastructure Solutions, and how Delta can help the enterprises to build up the new generation data center.

    More than two hundred IT managers had attended the forums from various industries, including computing service, financial service, manufacturing, education, governmental and more. The participants responded positively with the energy saving data center infrastructure solution—InfraSuite, as one-stop solution service ensuring a completely integrated data center solution . Whilst the onsite display of InfraSuite product portfolio: Power Management, Rack & Accessories, and Environment Management System, had attracted active inquiries from the attending IT managers and led to immediate consultation requests from the participants to help them re-design their out-of-date data center or set-up new generation data center. The forum had succeeded in enhancing Delta market leadership in data center infrastructure solution and boosting the MCIS data center solution market momentum in Taiwan.
