Delta Ultron HPH Series rated as one of the 2015 ten influential products on the market
The Ultron HPH Series UPS is an ideal choice for industrial applications such as datacenters, factory equipment, communication systems, computer network systems, medical systems, monitor systems, and more. Since its introduction in 2013, it has been chosen by major clients and professional organizations worldwide, such as a German luxury automaker, a major telecommunications company in Asia, and an India-based international provider of medical supplies. For the domestic market, the Ultron HPH Series UPS offers assurance of power for key equipment in a variety of industries, such as commercial routes of the Jiaoji Railway, Guizhou University, a hospital in Inner Mongolia, Batao high-speed tunnel, and others, making it “the most competitive UPS on the market”.
Delta UPS, 올해의 ICT 제품 3위 수상
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