• Delta Power Quality Solutions - Active Harmonic (Power) Filter
  • Active Harmonic (Power) Filter

    Compensation Performance

    APF Compensation Performance

    Delta’s PQC Series APF can perfectly mitigate harmonic current, and suppress harmonic voltage caused by the harmonic current. When the APF capacity is sufficient and background harmonic voltage is low, the APF ensures excellent compensation performance at full load condition, as below:

    • THDu (Total Harmonic Distortion of Voltage) < 3%
    • THDi (Total Harmonic Distortion of Current) < 5%
    • PF (Power Factor) ≥ 0.99 (improves both leading and lagging PF)
    • Neutral Current Attenuation Ratio ( [IN(Before) - IN(After)] / IN(Before) ) >95%


    APF Actual Compensation Performance

    Application:Textile Industry
    Non-linear Loads: Variable Frequency Drive (VFD).
    Compensation Result: Current harmonic distortion (THDi) was reduced from 32.5% to 2.9%

    Delta’s PQC Series APF Actual Compensation Performance - Textile Industry

    Current waveform and spectrum are recorded by Fluke 435, as below.

    Current Waveform

    PQC APF Compensation performance: textile industry - Current Waveform

    Current Spectrum

    PQC APF Compensation Performance: textile industry- Current Spectrum


    Application: Foundry Industry
    Non-linear Loads: Electric Welder
    Compensation Result: Current harmonic distortion (THDi) was reduced from 70% to 4.4%, load imbalance was reduced from 102% to 6.1%.

    Delta PQC APF- Compensation performance - foundry industry

    Current waveform and spectrum are recorded by Fluke 435, as below.

    Current Waveform

    Delta PQC APF, Compensation performance - foundry industry current waveform

    Current Spectrum

    Delta PQC APF, Compensation performance - foundry industry current spectrum

    Application: Automobile Industry
    Non-linear Loads: Thyristor driven heater
    Compensation Result: Voltage harmonic distortion (THDu) was reduced from 5.5% to 1.3%.

    Delta PQC APF, Compensation performance automobile industry

    Voltage waveform and spectrum are recorded by Fluke 435, as below.

    Voltage Waveform

    Delta PQC APF, Compensation performance automobile industry voltage waveform

    Voltage Spectrum

    Delta PQC APF, Compensation performance automobile industry voltage spectrum

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